I decided to start this blog to journal my experience of having my first novel published. I hope to encourage other debut writers and receive advice from those who know the process. Reaching this point has been both exciting and hard work. I’ve discovered there is no blue print though I’ve masses of books and have attended many courses in an effort to find one.

In addition to developing the stamina to write, research and keep going, I’ve made friends with a variety of people I wouldn’t otherwise have met. That may well be the best bit.

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New Year Opportunities

The new year is an opportunity for a fresh beginning. In the Northern hemisphere it brings the possibility of lighter days ahead. We ask, What are our aims during 2024?  Yet mornings and evenings remain dark -  opportunities may be hidden. Darkness means many things,...

On Ageing

obviously she hides the signs wears purple whenever masks loss – hearing, muscle, memory whenever occasionally she takes to the woods lies among dead leaves imagining rotting her absence distinction between being and non-being blurred Decorative tree on Maw estuary by...

A Time for Peace

A Time for Peace was published by Cinnamon Press in October 2016. Set during World War 1 in Serbia, in historical terms it describes an unusual event. Austria occupied Serbia in late 1914, and having fought and lost, Serbia's King and government decided not only to...

Change of scene, change of heart

The Ponts Couverts September was hot. Hot pavements, hot air whether in St Pancras, Paris or our destination, Strasbourg.  We crossed Paris through the edge of St. Denis where kids tried to sell cigarettes, homeless slept or begged on pavements. Some things don't...

August 2023 – First harvest

Lammas loaf owl with salt eyes Traditionally August is a month for reflection beginning as it does with Lammas. According to the Celtic Earth cycle, it signifies the first harvest. Hence, the loaf of bread. Not only do we gather corn, fruit  and vegetables during...

Why it matters

Entrance to The Hurst This year I was unable to spend time in Iona on Roselle Angwin's Writing Retreat. I've written elsewhere about the benefits of spending time away from home in the company of other poets and on the beautiful island Iona. The repair to my elbow...


The material on this website is copyright to the credited writer/poet or me. Please ask my permission to use my poems or short stories. I am happy for you to quote from the blog posts but please credit me and provide a link to this site.