I decided to start this blog to journal my experience of having my first novel published. I hope to encourage other debut writers and receive advice from those who know the process. Reaching this point has been both exciting and hard work. I’ve discovered there is no blue print though I’ve masses of books and have attended many courses in an effort to find one.

In addition to developing the stamina to write, research and keep going, I’ve made friends with a variety of people I wouldn’t otherwise have met. That may well be the best bit.

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Lockdown – The beginning

The impact of the coronavirus on my life was sudden. I remember worrying about it during January and February because of news of deaths in Wuhan, China. In March the virus was clearly moving through Europe and my anxiety increased.  It became personal on 4th...

Poetry Book Review

    Book Review: John Alcock    futura ventura    ISBN 978-0-9538900-2-6 While neither art nor science finds A limit to our human minds.   So ends, futura ventura, the title poem of this collection, by the late John Alcock. This impressive Pushkin...

Thirteen Trees, Thirteen Moons

In December 2018, I began an online course, Tongues in Trees,  provided by Roselle Angwin. I was looking to re-acquaint myself with the names and nature of trees I had thought little about since childhood. The course followed the Celtic moon calendar and 13 specific...

Unreliable memory

I remember the Aberfan disaster.    21st October 1966.    240 children in school.   9.15 am. An avalanche of coal waste slid and engulfed Pantglas Junior school, 116 children died. 28 adults,  some occupants of nearby houses. Aberfan Colliery Spoil Tramway, July 1964 ...

Blocks to writing

Sometimes it seems impossible to write. It is important to analyse why because the answer isn't always going to bed with a good book. Professional and amateur creatives can suffer. Here are a few possible causes and possible solutions. A representation of writer's...

Hull’s first female GP and suffragist

Hull was fortunate to have one of the 1st women GPs in the UK. Dr. Mary Murdoch. At the time my grandparents lived in the city and it would be interesting to know if they had heard of her. They lived in East Hull, so it's unlikely they were patients in her practice on...


The material on this website is copyright to the credited writer/poet or me. Please ask my permission to use my poems or short stories. I am happy for you to quote from the blog posts but please credit me and provide a link to this site.