How did you get here?

Wearing my plastic clogs, I walk down our concrete path, unlock the summer house door with the brass-buckle key ring, and sit on the new camping chair. The morning’s sun dazzles and I to position my head so the sun’s hidden behind the door’s wooden ...

Still here!

A year ago, I was optimistic that the Pandemic might soon end. With the arrival of summer, I hoped the prevalence of the virus might diminish and I would no longer need to wear a mask and gel my hands. I anticipated meeting family and friends, locally and further...

The Beggar’s Opera, 1963

  Beggar’s Opera,  1963       It being November, I wore my tartan mini, knee high boots, white polo neck.   Me, being me, I took my part to heart, even in rehearsal.   I wrapped my baby in a woollen shawl, flung her like I kicked off   my shoes,...

Review of 70% Water by Jeanette Sheppard

Review of Seventy Percent Water by Jeanette Sheppard   This debut collection of 31 flash fiction stories is beautifully bound by publisher EllipsisZine, its cover designed by Jeanette herself. It well illustrates the water of the title story, that human beings are...

Light in the darkness

In this darkest of winters, one of the pleasures has been discovering local walks. One of my favourites has been to Ashow, along the lanes to Chesterton Grange, and through the woods below Hill Wootton. It takes a long time for all the leaves to fall, and the woods...